Donations to St. Vincent De Paul

Through the fund-raising efforts of you brother Knights, our council has donated $100 to St. Vincent De Paul Society. Here’s Margaret Rowe Chairman of SVDP St. Joseph’s receiving the cheque.

Your council has also donated $100 to Covenant House charity for homeless youth who made a desperate appeal for donations to help troubled youth. SAM_3000



Council then donated an additional $100 from Charity Appeal Rebate to SVDP again. Here is GK Mark handing over the cheque to the VP of SVDP Barry, at the recent Christmas Parish Breakfast.

Below, is an excerpt from an email from the President of SVDP, Margaret Rowe:

Thank you so much for your generosity.  We delivered 60 boxes of food this morning plus gifts for 23 children.  Our cupboards are now low so we will buy food to replenish in case we get any requests for emergency hampers over Christmas.

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