March for Life 2015

This year 3,000 plus people attended the March for Life at Victoria. I’m beginning to think the only limiting factor here is BC Ferries and the cost. In Ottawa, over 25,000 people marched to the legislature. In other populous parts of North America, I understand that there were over 300,000 people marching in solidarity for life!

This year, councils from all over BC and Yukon were in attendance, together with State Deputy elect Brother Arcie Lim, State Advocate Ming Lau and Past State Deputies Dan O’Hara and Michael Yeo. We also had priests like our very own Fr. Richard Au, Fr. Tranh from All Saints and Fr. Matthew To from St. Patrick’s in Maple Ridge. There were dozens of others priests that I did not personally meet and talk to. Brother Rolly and myself were in the same bus with the Fr. Au and Fr. Tranh and it was a bus-ful of prayerful people!

Here are some pictures. Perhaps you too can take the time off from your busy schedule next year, to march with us in solidarity….for LIFE!

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