Marian Procession – 2015

The tradition at St. Joseph’s is to have the annual Marian Procession right after the First Holy Communion mass. It seems we’re always blessed with good weather then! This year was no different, with a great many little children having the experience of walking in procession and praying the Rosary with our Blessed Mother through the streets of Port Moody.

As usual, Council 9846 assisted the Legion of Mary with logistics, manpower and the Honour Guard. The Honour Guard members were Sir Knights Larry Forseille, John Suter, Zeus Custodio and Colour Commander and GK Mark Pan. Carrying the float with our Blessed Mother was Sir Knight Joseph Johnston, Deputy GK Rommel Nocos, Recorder Rome Saratan and GK-elect Dennis Kwan. As the float was borrowed from St. Patrick’s Maple Ridge, the statue of Our Blessed Mother did not fit perfectly and was wobbling on the base, hence brother Bonaventure Sevi held it from the lee side of the float the entire time.

Thanks also to brother Jet Valmonte, who led the Rosary (as he always does!) from his handy portable speaker and brother Rolly Magisisi, who’s always on hand to keep the procession participants safe in his bright orange vest by directing traffic. This year, due to an administration error, the Port Moody Police didn’t show up. They sent us their apologies and assured us that they will be there for us next year.

The entire procession was lead by the Flag Bearers, who were made up of some of the latest additions to our Council…brothers Alan Holden, Patrick Grant and Ernie Alcala (who is DGK elect) as well as PGK John Kai. Other Knights in attendance were brothers Patrick Arce, whose daughter received First Holy Communion, and brother John Rochard.

And of course, last but not least, many thanks to our Financial Secretary brother Sam, who’s always on hand to take pictures. If one does not see Brother Sam, its only because he’s the one behind the camera.

Thank you brother Knights for taking the extra time away from your Sunday to be with your brothers in celebrating with Our Blessed Mother. Hail Mary, Full of Grace!

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