PORT MOODY, BC — July 25, 2017 — St. Joseph Knights of Columbus Council No. 9846 in Port Moody tonight installed its new officers for FY 2017-2018 as the council enters its 30th year anniversary. The newly installed officers are:
Grand Knight: Bro. Ernesto C. Alcala
Deputy Grand Knight: Bro. Joseph Johnston
Chancellor: Bro. Edmund Toi
Recorder: Bro. Romulo Saratan
Treasurer: Bro. John Kai
Advocate: Bro. David Ho
Warden: Bro. Michael Richard
Inside Guard: Bro. John Rochard
Outside Guard: Bro. Terry O’Neill
Trustees: Bro. Denis Motut, Bro James Robson, Bro. Dennis Kwan
Officers also include Financial Secretary Bro. Patrick Grant, who is appointed by the Supreme Council and Lecturer Bro. Mark Pan (also Field Agent).
The annual installation of newly elected officers took place in simple ceremonies at the St. Joseph Parish Church. Presiding & Installing Officer was Worthy District Deputy Richard Aloysius, DD#28.
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