Spearheaded by Leona Chambers of our Parish Office, the St. Joseph Knights joined the Catholic Women’s League (CWL) and parishioners (current and former) of St. Joseph in a farewell drive-by for our outgoing Parish Priest, Fr. Thomas Arackal. The event took place last Sunday afternoon starting at 1:15 p.m. on July 19th, 2020. The drive-by was along Hope St and a short gathering followed at the parish grounds.
We treated Fr. Thomas to gifts, cards, posters, and balloons to wish him well on his next journey that will bring him to Kelowna on a mission assignment. We also thanked him for his dedication and commitment to St. Joseph Parish in his 5 years of service and his untiring effort to raise funds for Church Building. Fr. Thomas, in his farewell speech, asked for prayers for his safety and protection in his new mission.
All were treated to delicious chocolate and vanilla cupcakes, courtesy of Mary of CWL. Music and sound were provided by St. Joseph’s music director – Jeff Cabralda. The St. Joseph Knights set up the tents a day earlier, controlled the flow of traffic, and provided cold drinks. Although some pictures may refute it, there was a conscious effort to practice social distancing and wearing masks.
Once again, thank you Fr. Thomas. God bless you on your next mission. We will miss you. Till we meet again. So long.
In light of the Coronavirus and social distancing limitations, the Supreme Council is conducting an Online Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity (2020).
If you are a first degree or second-degree knight, now is your chance to advance up to second and/or third-degree in one ceremony. If you are a third-degree and/or fourth degree and you want to watch online, please register. To register, follow the links above.
If you know any Catholic men who are interested in becoming a knight, please advise me, Ernie Alcala, Interim Grand Knight by email ernie.alcala@gmail.com with your endorsement and filled up scanned Form 100. Electronic voting is required for new candidates before they can register.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, all are Third Degree members. Make sure you register for our Council No. 9846. You can invite your family members to join you during the online ceremony.
Information Highlights as follows:
April 16, 2020 @ 4:45 pm – 6:00 pm (Vancouver time) 4:45 PM – “waiting room” opens 5:00 PM – Ceremonial starts. ~~ For new and advancing members. ~~ Grand Knights need the candidate’s email address for the registration. ~~ ONLINE EXEMPLIFICATION CEREMONY • Save the Date! • Thursday after Easter, April 16, 5 PM (Vancouver time) • Inform your approved candidates now. • Send the candidates the registration link (email is required), be sure they enter your council #.
UniDegree Exemplification,February 22, 2020, St. Francis de Sales, Burnaby
On Saturday, February 22, 2020, my son and now brother knight, Ivan Russell E. Alcala was exemplified to 1st (Charity), 2nd (Unity) and 3rd (Fraternity) degrees in a uni-degree ceremony held at St. Francis de Sales Parish Church in Burnaby. There were more than 50 brother knights who were also exemplified. They achieved Full Knighthood in one ceremony, which was open to the families and parishioners..
To our Brother Knights who have yet to take their 2nd and/or 3rd degrees, you are encouraged to attend the next uni Degree Ceremonies as follows:
St. Joseph the Worker Parish Hall, Richmond Council #10681
Grand Knight Ardee Bautista
March 14, 2020 – Saturday, 9:30 AM.
St. Joseph the Worker Parish Hall at 4451 Williams Road, Richmond, BC Brother Mark Mullen, Supreme Senior Vice President of Fraternal Services, will address the members at a round table session with question and answer from membership regarding our Order. Brother Mark is the highest ranking person in the Knights of Columbus reporting to the Supreme Officers. This is a great opportunity to welcome him and ask him any questions you may have.
Our Lady of the Valley Council #10889, Grand Knight Tom Carr
Saturday, March 21, 2020 following the 4:30 pm mass.
St. Luke’s Church at 20285 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge, BC
The St. Joseph Knights of Council 9846 treated Fr. Thomas Arackal to dinner at Sushi Mori last Tuesday, March 3, 2020. As our parish priest and council chaplain, we appreciate his commitment to the Church building project and his dedication to serve the parish. We intend to make this activity once a month or once a quarter to set a forum for dialogue with Fr. Thomas as well as to have fellowship among brother knights of St. Joseph.
District 28 Deputy awarded the Columbian Plaque to St. Joseph Knights Council 9846. Present Grand Knight Bro Joe Johnston accepted on behalf of Immediate Past Grand Knight Ernie Alcala.
On the First Sunday of Advent, the Catholic Church starts a new Liturgical Year. This year, this day coincidentally fell on the first day December 2019, counting down 25 days to Christmas Day. Once again, it is time to spread the message – Keep Christ in Christmas! Truly indeed, Christmas is a celebration of the birth of our one and only Lord Jesus Christ. Let it not be forgotten.
As now part of an annual tradition, the Knights of Columbus St. Joseph Council 9846 assembled the Singing Knights (Christmas Singing Knights or Christmas Knights) to promote the message of Keep Christ in Christmas and spread the spirit of joy, peace and hope that Jesus Christ brings to mankind. The Christmas Knights promote this message through Christmas carols and storytelling at selected homes.
Last Saturday, November 30, 2019, just a day before the First Sunday of Advent, the Christmas Knights, led by WGK Bro Joseph Johnston, serenaded the residents of the Lakeshore Care Center and Madison Care Center, both near Como Lake in Coquitlam. They sang familiar Christmas carols while the residents were encouraged to sing along, clap their hands, stomp their feet or dance. Some sang along. Some were teary eyed. Some were just happy and smiling. After each performance, the Knights went around to greet, shake hands and wish each person a Merry Christmas.
The Knights’ repertoire was selected to tell the story of the Journey to Christmas Day and to fit the all male singing group. Favorite emcee Brother Knight Terry O’Neill provided a background of each song before the Knights sang each one of them. Guitar accompaniment were provided by our musicians – Bro Michael Richard and Bro Mark Pan. The songs included: O Come All Ye Faithful; Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Do You Hear What I hear?; We Three Kings of Orient Are; God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen; O Little Town of Bethlehem; Mary’s Boy Child, The First Noel; Joy to the World; and Feliz Navidad.
In all of the practices and performances, the St. Joseph Knights had a great time for fun, fellowship and camaraderie among Brother Knights. After every performance, each Knight went home with a very memorable and fulfilling experience, bringing the spirit of Christmas back to his family – the domestic church and such was a great way to celebrate Christ in Christmas, more than enough reason to make the Christmas Singing Knights an annual tradition.
Next schedule will be on 1:30 p.m., Sunday, December 8, 2019 at the Dufferin Centre and Sunday, December 15, 2019 at the Port Moody Friendship Society and at the St. Joseph Christmas Concert on Sunday, December 15, 2019. All St. Joseph Knights, and their families and friends (who are Catholic men or Knights from other councils) are invited to join in this community activity. Further instructions on time and venue will follow.
June 25, 2019, Port Moody — The Knights of Columbus St. Joseph Council 9846 in Port Moody installed its new set officers. The installation was presided by Worthy District # 28 Deputy Bro Richard Aloysius.
Leading the officers is new Worthy Grand Knight Bro Joseph (Joe) Johnston and new Worthy Deputy Grand Knight Bro Michael Robichaud. The following is the complete set of officers:
Executive Positions:
Grand Knight: Bro. Joseph Johnston Deputy GK: Bro. Michael Robichaud Chancellor: Bro. Edmund Toi Recorder: Bro. Ernesto C. Alcala Treasurer: Bro. John Kai Advocate: Bro. David Ho Warden: Bro. Michael Richard Inside Guard: Bro. John Rochard Outside Guard: Bro. Emerson Escano Trustees: Bro. Denis Motut, Bro. Dennis Kwan, Bro Richard Aloysius
Appointed Positions:
Financial Secretary: Bro. Patrick Grant Lecturer: Bro. Mark Pan
Congratulations to our new set of officers. May the Holy Spirit guide and inspire you to lead this Council for the greater glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Also present during the installation were Bro Richard Chia, who stood as proxy for our Treasurer Bro John Kai, Bro Rome Saratan (Immediate Past Recorder) and Bro Dan Oliver (Charter member).
The installation was followed with socials and fellowship. Bro Emerson Escano also gave an update of the Fundscrip Gift Card program and next Order will be collected in July 27-28, 2019. To make the pulpit announcements are Bro Joe Johnston , Bro Richard Aloysius, and Bro Mark Pan.
It was also suggested for Bro Joe Johnston to arrange the next Sushi Appreciation Dinner for Fr. Thomas Arackal in July or August 2019.
On February 25, 2019, two of St. Joseph Knights – Bro Emerson Escano and Bro Jim O’Friel, were exemplified into the second (formation) degree. In this degree, our brother knights learned the principle of Unity. The ceremony was held at All Saints Parish Hall in Coquitlam. Congratulations, Brothers!
Last Friday, January 11th, 2019, the Knights of Columbus helped out in taking down the Christmas decorations in church that included two giant christmas trees, four smaller christmas trees and a Nativity Creche. The takedown culminated another good season of the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Christmas officially ended on Sunday, January 13, 2019.
Our Christmas preparations commenced early in September 2018 when we started selling Keep Christ in Christmas car magnets and Christmas cards as well as preparing the songs, chords and books for the Keep Christ in Christmas carols of the Singing Knights. November 2018 was a month for practice for the singing knights (as well as the sale of Charity Appeal tickets and Christmas cards and car magnets).
At the onset of the Advent season, our Singing Knights went caroling to spread the message of Christmas – Keep Christ in Christmas. We sang Christ-centered Christmas songs at four seniors’ homes and participated in the Parish Concert. We are certainly glad we are continuing this annual tradition of our council for the fourth consecutive year. For more information, please click these links: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tYL82JUSP_LaMCgVXySHXPH1x6mj8wmh?usp=sharing
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