Fr. Au’s Installation Mass – Oct 27.2013

Our beloved pastor Fr. Au was officially installed as Pastor of St. Joseph’s on a beautiful, sunny October Sunday! Third degree Knights brothers Rommel Nocos, Patricio Arce and John Rochard marshalled the congregation and ensured the 4th degree Colour Guard were taken care of and allocated the space they needed. Also in attendance were brothers John Kai, David Kiwanuka and Eleazar Sager, who was busy snapping pictures to record the event together with brother Sam Hu. I also noticed brother Jet Valmonte who attended the proceedings, and my apologies if I had missed anyone else who attended!

The fourth degree Colour Guard were made up of two from our own council, brothers Zeus and Mark, and three from council 9125, namely brothers Elemer, Eric and Larry, who are always on hand to help us out anytime we call upon them. See the 4th degree story here. 

After the event, the congregation were presented with special commemorative gifts featuring St. Benedict. There was one for every one who attended! At the portable, the congregation was treated to copious amounts of food and drink prepared and arranged for by the CWL.

Our Latest Brothers!

What a day! It started with the Parish Breakfast, which literally started 7.30 am in the morning, when brothers Stefan and Mark set off the parish burglar alarm and woke the neighbourhood. And it ended with a great hallelujah…when we had brothers Antonello Di Sotto  and Joseph Johnston join our ranks at their first degree initiation held at the Parish of Queen of All Saints at 7.30 pm.

Welcome Brother Antonello and Joseph!

Outreach Project

In honour of St. Francis of Assisi and our Holy Father councils order-wide were invited to participate in an “Outreach Week” initiative by conducting charitable programs between Friday, Oct. 4 (the feast day of St. Francis) and Sunday, Oct. 13, in honor of our Pope.

SAM_2617 SAM_2619St. Francis of Assisi is known as “the man of poverty,” and a central theme of Pope Francis has been service to the poor. Knights all over the world were invited to show  solidarity with these two holy men by providing outreach to the less fortunate in their communities.

WIth that in mind, we decided to launch a “Food for Families” programme, headed by Deputy GK Mark Edward Custodio. Within the one week, we received a fair volume of food and even donations worth over $100! Picture shows St. Vincent De Paul chairman Margaret Rowe accepting the food and cheque from GK Mark.

October – The Month of the Rosary

Click here to take you to the The Month of the Rosary info page

New Executive Installed!

The new Executive 2013-2014 was officially installed at our First General Meeting of the year. Please welcome the men who will be your leaders for the next two years. I trust that we will have a wonderful year together, blessed by the fruits of the Holy Spirit!

Family of the year

For the Executive Year 2012-2013, the Family of the Year award goes to Rommel and Araceli Nocos and Family. This award is given in recognition of the family that exemplifies values of the Order and of the Church and Faith. Values of charity, togetherness and unity. Values of openness and interdependence. Values of character, honour and social responsibility.

The Nocos Family is actively involved as a family in school volunteer programs, as well as in the Parish and Church. Their visibility as a family is evident weekly at the Sunday noon mass!

Congratulations to Rommel and Araceli Nocos and family.

Knight of the Year 2012-2013

jloewenThe 2012-13 Knight of the Year Award goes to Brother Justin Loewen.

Council 9846 periodically honors its outstanding members, by giving tribute to those Knights who participate in council projects during the executive year. The Council makes every effort to recognize its members for his dedication, loyalty and inspirational leadership. Recipients are chosen for exemplary service to Church, Community, Council, Family and Youth.

This year 2012-13, the criteria for selecting the Knight of the Year award included attendance, volunteering spirit of putting oneself forward with his own volition, and for accepting a task every time he was asked.

Congratulations to Brother Justin Loewen.

Parish Picnic 2013

It was a dark morning that threatened rain. In the end though the weather held out and a good time was had by over 150 members of St. Joseph’s parish who turned up for the Annual Parish Picnic. For the Knights, the work started on Saturday itself, with brothers Rome, Sam, John and Mark, together with our favourite not-yet Knight Mark. After all the gear was loaded arrangements were made to meet with the other brothers at 8.45 am to unload the trailer. Brothers  Dennis, Francisco, Edward, John, David and Mark helped unload with brothers Rome, Rick, Rommel, David  and Sam helping. We also had help from brothers Zeus and Edmund who came later.

All in a very successful event that went off without a hitch, thanks to the Knights and CWL!

25th Anniversary Dinner

Council 9846 held its 25th Anniversary Dinner at Yan’s Garden Restaurant, Burnaby, on 22nd June 2013. This event included the year end social to celebrate the Council’s successes and challenges. There were 62 present, with State Deputy elect Ed and Lady Knight Sandi Shawchuk as guests of honour. Chaplain Father Joseph Hieu Nguyen blessed the gifts and led us with grace.

The meal was great, 10 courses! There were gifts to be grabbed; however, the game involved ‘coveting thy neighbour’s goods’ in exchange for your ticket stub or your playing card. What a hilarious time was had by all, folks did some crazy things to prevent their gifts from being coveted by hiding their gifts in secret places! mmmm.? One wonders who finally got to take the ‘punch jug’ home, it was the biggest in size and was the most coveted!

Thanks to Brother Samuel Hu (FS) for the photographs.

Marian Procession 2013

Knights of Columbus Archbishop Carney Assembly was represented by 4th degree knights from St. Joseph’s as well as Our Lady of Assumption Councils. 2013 Marion Procession was held on May 26th, at St. Joseph’s Parish, Port Moody. Members of St. Joseph’s Council assisted with carrying the icon of our Lady, while 4th degree members brought colour to a reasonably calm day. The Procession had an approximately 300 particpants from the Parish community. A wonderful show of solidarity with the Church, the Faith and the community of Port Moody.