Congratulations St. Joseph Council 9846 for Star Council Award!

A Great Year for St. Joseph Council 9846 


Once again, St Joseph Council 9846 earned another Star Council Award for Fraternal Year 2017-2018.  This award is certainly an early Christmas Gift for the Council.  This award adds to the state awards that the council received during the State Convention — Best in Keep Christ in Christmas Program at both District and State levels and 30-year Anniversary Award.

This year has been great for our council. Highlight of course was the Dinner Gala and all other smaller fundraisers  for the church building fund (e.g. Bottle Recycle, Smile Card Fundraiser, Pancake Breakfast, Charity Appeal, etc.). 

Apart from that, we have helped in many church activities such as the Marian procession, Christmas decorations, Parish Picnic, Holy Week, Life Chain, Breakfast with Santa, etc.  We have run faith-based prayer programs such as 40 days for Life and Knights’ Marian Prayer for Persecuted Christians.  We have joined Patriotic celebrations such as Canada Day and Remembrance day as well.   Individually, many knights serve as ushers, choir members, ministers, lectors, etc.   The Singing Knights spread the Good News through Christmas carols at the seniors home and at the Parish Concert. 

Excellent work, all Brother Knights of St. Joseph!

Special thanks are in order for our committed knights most especially the following brothers who were awarded with Certificates of Appreciation for their contribution and dedication to the St. Joseph Council:  Bro John Kai, Bro Patrick Grant, Bro Edmund Toi, Bro Dennis Kwan, Bro Rome Saratan and of course, Bro Joe Johnston who was awarded Knight of the Year.

One of the programs being encouraged in the Knights of Columbus is the Family of the Month/Year that is aimed at identifying families who can serve as models in church. Our selection was based on a set of criteria provided by the Knights of Columbus and these families who we have identified several months ago meet the criteria with high marks.  Our Family of the Year is Bro Mark Pan and Family.  Family of the Month is Bro Patrick Arce and Family.  Both will be nominated to the State Council for family awards.

The awards were presented at an opportune time during our Christmas Party at the Burrard Public House in Port Moody last Wednesday, December 19, 2018.  We had a very good turnout of almost 30 people.   Thanks to all Knights who came with their families.  Copy the following link to your address bar for pictures during this Christmas event.

Merry Christmas! Remember Keep Christ in Christmas.  Vivat Jesus!

Ernie Alcala, Grand Knight


Remembrance Day Participation – St. Joseph Knights of Port Moody – November 11, 2018

St. Joseph (Port Moody) Parish Picnic September 9, 2018

St. Joseph Knights 30th Anniversary and Church Building Fundraiser Dinner Dance Gala

Congratulations, St. Joseph Council 9846 and Bro Mark Pan!

Congratulations, St. Joseph’s Council 9846 (Port Moody) for winning the following awards at the 107th Knights’ State Convention (BC and Yukon):

  1. Best in Keep Christ in Christmas Program (ALL BC & Yukon State);
  2. Best in Keep Christ in Christmas Program (District 28); and
  3. 30th Service Anniversary Award.

Thank you St. Joseph Singing Knights and all St. Joseph Brother Knights for a job well done.  Great teamwork and effort!  With Christ come the fruits of our labor. Praise God!

Our Brother Mark Pan also won Field Agent of the Year with a superior performance.

Congratulations, Bro Leo Massaquoi and Bro Ray Manansala on their 3rd Degree Exemplification!

Congratulations, Bro Leo Massaquoi and Bro Ray Manansala on their 3rd degree (Knighthood) exemplification.  The Exemplification was sponsored by District 6 and Immaculate Conception Council 12118 led by Worthy DD Bro Edz Valdez.  It was held at the Immaculate Conception Parish Hall, Delta, BC on Saturday, 24 March 2018. GK Bro Ernie Alcala and DGK Bro Joe Johnston also graced the event.

Congratulations Bro Denis Motut at His Patriotic (4th) Degree Exemplification — Assembly 3083, Maple Ridge, 17 March 2018 (Saturday)

Congratulations Sir Knight Bro Denis Motut at your Patriotic (4th) Degree Exemplification.  The Exemplification was sponsored by Pope John Paul II Assembly 3083 and was held at the St Luke’s Parish in Maple Ridge, BC on Saturday, 17 March 2018.  Our Sir Knights Bro Joe Johnston, Bro Mark Pan and Bro Simon Tkaczyk also graced the event.

30th Year Anniversary Celebration and Dinner Dance Gala Fundraiser for St. Joseph’s Church Building

Worthy Brother Knights, families, friends and colleagues,

Peace & Blessings be upon you!

This year 2018, our Knights of Columbus St. Joseph (Port Moody) Council 9846 commemorates the 30th anniversary of our charter signed in June 13, 1988.  In celebration of this milestone, we are hosting a DINNER DANCE GALA on June 16, 2018 at St. Clare of Assisi Parish Hall, in Coquitlam, BC.

As part of our commitment to our Church and the community, we, the Knights, are taking this opportunity to launch a fundraiser for the Church Building Fund of St Joseph (Port Moody) Parish. Incidentally, our St. Joseph’s Catholic Church is celebrating next year its 106th year of service to the community since 1912.

Honoured special guests include His Grace Archbishop Michael Miller, our Pastor Fr. Thomas Arackal and Pastor of St. Claire of Assisi Fr. Craig Scott.  Music is provided by Bruce James Orchestra.  There will be door prizes, 50/50 draw and Art Auction.

Tickets are now available at $60 per person.  Advertising spaces are available in the Souvenir Program at $50 per space.  For details, please contact Worthy Deputy Grand Knight Bro Joseph Johnston, Event Chairman at Tel 604-230-7911.





Congratulations St Joseph Council 9846 for Another Star Council Award FY 2016-2017

Once again, our St Joseph Council 9846 received the Star Council Award under the able leadership of WPGK Bro Dennis Kwan on his second term in FY 2016-2017.  This follows prior fraternal years’ Star Council Award also under Bro Dennis Kwan and Double Star Council award under WPGK Bro Mark Pan.  Special thanks and kudos to all Brother Knights of our council for all the support, cooperation and teamwork to make this award a reality.

The Star Council Award recognizes outstanding achievement in membership, insurance and service program activities. The award also includes incentives and rebates for further membership growth.  Worthy District Deputy Bro Richard Aloysius presented the award on Tuesday, December 26, 2017 after a short presentation of the priorities of the State Council of the Knights of Columbus.

Congratulations, St Joseph Knights and WPGK Bro Dennis Kwan!
(click on picture above for more pictures)

St. Joseph Singing Knights at the Parish Concert

After a successful Breakfast with Santa 0n Sunday morning, our St Joseph Singing Knights participated in the Parish Concert on Sunday night that was well attended and well participated.  We are proud of our dedicated Singing Knights for a well applauded performance at the Concert.  We hope our message of Keep Christ in Christmas came across through our Bible verses and Christmas songs during our performance.

Special thanks to Past GK Bro Brian Derrick as conductor, to Bro Clem DeGobbi as Narrator and to Bro Rolly Magsisi and Bro Michael Richard as guitarists. A big thank you to all the Singing Knights!

We are all blessed!