Welcome to Council 9846’s Keep Christ in Christmas Competition page.
Sixty-three entries were submitted to our Christmas Poster “Keep Christ in Christmas” contest. For us, that translates to 63 kids or teens in 4 schools and the surrounding parishes and more than 50 families focusing on CHRIST in the celebration of Christmas this year. We fervently hope that the involvement of the schools and families in this contest will lead us to attaining our objective of spreading the true meaning of Christmas and that is the celebration of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Our panel of three judges comprising our pastor Fr. Richard Au, CWL head Louanne Richards and KOC Council 9846 Grand Knight Mark Pan had lively discussions and debates about which posters were the winners. After they had judged and placed the winners, it was the turn of the parishioners choice to choose which were their favourites!
And now congratulations to the winners!
Age 5 to 7Winner: Francesco MurdoccoMessage: “Can’t Put a Price on the Love of Christ”School/ Parish: Our Lady of FatimaRunner up: Juanita DuqueMessage: “Don’t forget what Christmas is all about.”School/ Parish: Our Lady of FatimaParishioners’ Choice: Laura de SantaMessage: “Joy! Keep Christ in Christmas”School/ Parish: Queen of All SaintsAge Group 8 to 10Winner: Iris LeeMessage: “ Jesus is 1st place. Gifts are 2nd place.”School/ Parish: Our Lady of FatimaRunner up : Camila De GiuliMessage: “Keep Christ on Top of Your Christmas List”School/ Parish: St. Joseph’s Parish, Port MoodyParishioners’ Choice: Jacqueline PanMessage: “Keep Christ in Christmas”School/ Parish: Altar Server, St. Joseph Parish, Port MoodyAge 11 to 14Winner: Dave BrownMessage: “Christmas or Christ -Mass? People imagine Christmas like… But it really is…”School/Parish: Our Lady of AssumptionRunner up: Alicia BremerMessage: “Christmas isn’t Christmas without Christ”School/ Parish: Our Lady of FatimaParishioners’ Choice: Faith Abigail DodgeMessage: “Follow the star and it will lead you to our Savior.”School/ Parish: Our Lady of Assumption
- Age5 to 7 Winner Francesco Murdocco-OLF
- Age 5 to7 Runner-Up Juanita Duque OLF
- Age 5 to 7 Parishioners Choice Laura de Santa-QAS
- Age 8 to 10 WInner Iris Lee-OLA
- Age 8 to 10 Runner-Up Camila De Giuli-SJP
- Age 8 to10 Parishioners Choice Jacqueline-Pan-Altar Server, St.Joseph’s
- Age 11 to 14 Winner Dave Brown – OLA
- Age 11 to 14 Runner Up Alicia Bremer – OLF
- Age 11 to 14 Parishioners Choice – Abigail Dodge- OLA
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