Keep Christ In Christmas Concert

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The Knights of Columbus have received much feedback that the recent Parish Christmas concert was a runaway success!  For allowing the Knights to be a part of this year’s Christmas concert, the Knights would like to thank Choir Director Jeff Cabralda and all the Parish Choirs as well as the children and parents who made such a concert possible.  As co-sponsor, the Knights aimed to spread the message – Keep Christ in Christmas through this concert.

As for  the Knights’ Choir, a great many people commented that it was fantastic to HEAR and SEE so many MEN gathered together to lead the congregation in song! In today’s society, where men are all but marginalized, we, the Knights of Columbus stand apart to show our dedication to our Catholic faith and as examples to lead our families in worthy acts.  If you’re interested in joining our (quite literally!) merry band of brothers, please contact the Knights of Columbus at 604-468-8205 or click on the link Contact Us.







Breakfast and Photos with Santa 2015

KOC held a pancake breakfast for the St. Joseph’s parishioners, and to help them get in the spirit of Christmas, KOC provided picture taking with Santa during the breakfast as well. The Columbian Squires also helped out during the breakfast by serving the food. The breakfast with Santa was a success overall. It remains as one of KOC’s popular community activity at St. Joseph’s Parish, as many parishioners enjoyed the festivities. Thanks to all of the Brother Knights who made this event successful!DSC_0054 DSC_0053 DSC_0051

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Double Star Award

The Star Council Award recognizes outstanding achievement in membership, insurance and service program activities. To be eligible to earn the Star Council Award, a council must qualify for the Father McGivney, Founder’s, and Columbian awards.

Apart from good works, a council must also have submitted proof of its Fraternal Activity as well as a Report of all the Service Programmes run.

The fact that the KOC of St. Joseph’s Parish won the Double Star Award means that we were able to hit DOUBLE of all that it required. We are very proud of this great achievement and honour. A huge thanks to all the brothers who contributed to achieving this goal!

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Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception & Holy Family Prayer Program

KOC members attended a mass at St. Joseph’s Parish on December 8th, 2015. The mass celebrated the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It also celebrated the culmination of our Holy Family Prayer Program, where the Holy Family Icon on Pilgrimage is featured on the 17th Marian Prayer Program.

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New 3rd Degree Member

3rd degree exemplification of brother Patrick Grant at Canadian Martyrs, Richmond on November 14, 2015.
Congratulations bro Patrick, you are now a full knight!!

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Remembrance Day 2015

The Remembrance Day Parade and Ceremony at the Port Moody Legion Cenotaph.  Our brother Joe Johnston (who is also a veteran and 4th degree knight) laid the wreath for the “Forgotten Soldiers”.

For the first time this year, we also participated in a joint district (all 4 councils of our district) Remembrance Day Ceremony at Blue Mountain Park with laying of a cross wreath.

New 1st Degree Members

Please give a warm welcome to our two new brothers, Brother Victor Peterson and Brother Terry O’Neill. The 1st degree initiation was on October 22, 2015, and three councils from the district participated in the event. A total of five candidates were initiated, of whom two were from our council (Brother Victor & Brother Terry). We are looking forward to our new brothers joining us in the fun events to come!

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Congratulations PGK Mark Pan!

Our very own PGK Mark Pan was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for his many accomplishments in KOC. Congratulations PGK Mark Pan, you deserve it!

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Social Pub Night

The KOC of St. Joseph’s Parish held a pub night at the Frog & Nightgown Pub in Coquitlam. Everyone enjoyed their beers, burgers, and fries. It was great seeing the members of KOC being social! A big thanks to WGK Dennis for organizing the event.

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St. Joseph’s Summer Picnic

St. Joseph’s Parish Summer Picnic was one to remember! It was Fr. Thomas’ first summer picnic with the members of the St Joseph’s parish. Our very own District Deputy, Mark Pan, entertained the crowd with his skills on the guitar. Many of our fellow parishioners attended the picnic, and combined with the perfect weather. It was indeed a very joyful and fun-filled Sunday afternoon. Thank you all for attending and God bless!