Category: Church

Canada Day Flag Raising

A new flag…blessed and raised on Canada Day 2014

Rectory Garden Makeover!

Parish Rectory Garden Makeover – 2014

Marian Procession 2014

Oh what a wet and rainy day it was! But the enthusiasm and the devotion of the parishioners to Our Blessed Mother won through it all.

Building the NEW Marian Procession Float!

7 brothers showed up on Saturday to help build the new float for the Blessed Mother’s statue…

40 Days For Life Outreach Programme

Abortion has now become the leading cause of death throughout the world…


Poinsettias in position!

Christmas Trees for St. Josephs

Beautiful Christmas Trees!

The Star marks the position of the Christ Child!

The Christmas Star is in position!

Christmas Crib – more photos

More pictures of our Christmas Crib

Christmas Star Project – Part 2 and Christmas Crib too!

The finishing touches to the Star, and the Christmas Crib building.